Emirates Airline manual of Uniform and Grooming standards for cabin crew

Uniform standards for Emirates cabin crew

MA dissertation entitled: "Living with Plastics : Museums, Materials and Culture"


PhD thesis in the history of science entitled 'Un modello algoritmico: l'Analytical Engine di Charles Babbage'

0.01 linear metres

Publications from Shirley Developments Limited

1 item

Monsanto annual report 1997

9 items

Alcock and Brown commemorative material

1 folder

Evode Group Pension Trust Ltd. statutory accounts

133 pages

Manuscript for Exorcise One

Drawing of details of cover plate and gasket for driving wheel axle boxes

Drawing of hand control lever

Drawing of valve operation layshaft

Drawing of cotter

Drawing of cotter pin

Drawing of special washer

Drawing of lubricator spool

Drawing of pressure relief flange

1 folder containing 2 bundles and 1 file

Papers of Mechanical Engineer John Dowling

1 folder containing 2 items

Papers relating to the AVRO 504 Club

0.3 linear metres

Collection of colour photographs of the renovation of the 1830 Warehouse


Lecture notes entitled 'Anorganische Chemie von Justus v. Liebig 1856-57'

1 item

Monsanto annual report 1998

0.1 linear metres

Domestic Gas and Electricity Quarterly Use Statements and Bills


Report for Littlewoods Home Shopping Group Limited re application to English Heritage to demolish Dee Mill engine house and engine at Shaw, Oldham


Advance Proceedings of First International World-Wide Web Conference

1 item

Publication relating to the NHS’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme

1 item

"Biopiracy the plunder of nature and knowledge" by Vandana Shiva


Newspaper supplement entitled: 'Pride of Coventry: 125 years of road transport'


Treatise entitled 'The Intellectual Property Speculators'

1 item

"Genetic engineering dream or nightmare? The brave new world of bad science and big business" by Dr Mae-Wan Ho

1 item

P J Walker's notes on KDF 6, KDF7, KDF8 and KDP10.

3 envelopes containing 98 items

Collection of photographic prints relating to Bloom Street Power Station and National Grid Works in South Manchester

0.35 linear metres

Papers of Manchester Airport Joint Action Group

1 file containing 4 items

Technical Reports relating to MP4-7A formula 1 racing car


Thesis entitled 'William Thomson's Inventions for the Submarine Telegraph Industry: A Nineteenth-Century Technology Program'

0.01 linear metres

Annual Report and Newspaper Cutting, Women's Electronic Village Hall

0.1 linear meteres

Domestic Gas and Electricity Quarterly Use Statements and Bills

1 item

"In the famine trap" by Devinder Sharma

Installation and operating instructions for fabric friction tester developed by Shirley to British Standard test BS3424, Part 10, 1987.

Instruction Manual for the M264 Shirley Fabric Friction Tester

1 item

"UK national consensus conference on plant biotechnology" a final report

1 item

"Safety evaluation of foods derived by modern biotechnology concepts and principles"

1 item

Monsanto "Introducing Roundup Ready corn, the absolute in weed control" booklet

Colour printed sales catalogue providing details and specifications of textile testing and laboratory equipment.

Catalogue No. 10

1 item

Report entitled 'Matra Marconi Space'


Letter from Professor Ian Bremner to Dr Peter Collins relating to the work carried out by Dr Pusztai on transgenic potatoes


Technical manual, ‘Monarch Field Manual for BT field engineers’, Issue 1 April 1996, for the BT Monarch Call Connect system

1 book

"Biotechnology in the public sphere: A European sourcebook"

1 item

"Rethinking risk a pilot multi-criteria mapping of a genetically modified crop in agricultural systems in the UK" by Andy Stirling and Sue Mayer

1 item

Monsanto annual report to stakeholders 1996

5 volumes

Articles in The Royal Air Forces Quarterly magazine

1 item

Monsanto Backgrounder briefing notes "Plant biotechnology at Monsanto"